Monday, March 31, 2014

Into GA

Yes, we've crossed into Georgia. Maine can't be much farther, can it?


We're not very far into Georgia. Maybe 3 miles. We're anchored off the SW end of Cumberland Island and plan to stay a few days to enjoy the island and National Seashore.


Progress up the ICW through NE Florida was impacted by weather. Strong N winds kept us at Marineland a couple of days longer than we had planned, which was OK since we had a good time there. Here are the highlights :

- Many walkswithdogs through the local woods trails and on the Atlantic beach.

- Bicycle ride down A1A to this restaurant for a nice supper. The bar scene there is fun.

- A 'behind the scenes' tour of Marineland Dolphin Adventure which is just across the road (see photo at top).

- Enjoying the Tuesday morning farmers market held right at the marina. The bread/pastry seller did well by us.

- Borrowing the marina car for a run to Publix to stock up.

- Meeting other cruisers and swapping sea stories.


It was Thursday (after 5 night stay) when the N wind subsided and allowed several of the visiting boats to parade to the pumpout station. We waited our turn and then headed 16 miles up the ICW to a rented mooring ball at St. Augustine Municipal Marina.


Again the weather impacted our stay and schedule. Friday had strong SE winds which opposed the flooding tidal current and caused all the moored boats to dance wildly on their moorings. Quite a ride. Saturday had rain and thunderstorms roll through. We still were able to take walks around the old town and to the fort, and to have lunch at this great vegan restaurant.


Tied up at the marina was a visitor from Spain. El Galeon is in St Augustine to celebrate 500 years since similar vessels first explored this area. Imagine the local natives seeing this WMD sail into the river.

We stayed for 3 nights and on Sunday resumed northward travel with strong N winds against us. It was a 32 mile run up to the Jacksonville area, crossing the busy St John River to enter Sisters Creek and tieing to a great free dock at this park. Nice peaceful night there.


Monday we continued north for 26 miles in beautiful calm weather, crossing Nassau Sound and continuing to Fernandina Beach, where we stopped here to take on 100 gal of diesel (@$3.89). There was 2+ knots of current holding us onto the fuel dock so getting off the dock was "interesting" (euphemism alert!).


We crossed St Marys Inlet to enter Georgia and fought a 3+ knot current up into Cumberland Sound to drop anchor off the Park Service dock here. We are now in a region of 8 ft tides and lots of flat marshland to flood/drain every tide cycle so the currents near inlets are impressive.


We've already done 2 walks on the island: to the Dungeness Mansion ruins (below) and across to the Atlantic Beach. We look forward to more hikes today and tomorrow and then plan to continue north on Thursday.



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